Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year...

Wishing everyone a great 2008 filled with God's blessings- because they are always there- and for your hearts to be closer to Him more than ever.

I spent the New Year holiday with my husband and my parents. Heredes and I were blessed enough to purchase a Wii through a friend and a special payment we should be able to pay it off in like But we did take it to my parents house and got to play with everyone- and I mean everyone- with the exception of our dog Xena. Danny and his friend Jason and my cousin Carlos and Cassie also came over.

We did the usual eat and countdown. Now I am opening my heart out to all the world- I don't like New Year's Eve. I think it is one of the worst holidays, for me at least. I tend to ruin it for myself and sometimes for the people around me. It stinks, I get so cranky. Well, Heredes and I did get to sleep in on Tuesday till like 2 pm and laid around and did nothing once again.

So, do I have any goals or resolutions for this year? I'm not sure, let me try.
1. The biggest thing I do want is to be faithful to God and to my husband and family. I want a spiritual awakening in my soul. I want a steady, consistent prayer and Bible study time.
2. I want to keep exercising.
3. I want to learn to have relationship with people- to make phone calls and to hang out with people. I really am BAD at that, really bad. I guess I need a social awakening :)
4. I want to travel. This year I would like to go to Peru, Venezuela and Brazil. If I don't get to go to those countries, at least I know I am going to Georgia.
5. Try to fill up a whole sketch book with actual stuff.
I think those are five reasonable and accomplishable goals. (that word doesn't exist probably, but hey Pastor Troy makes up his own words lol)

Again, Happy New Year and have a blessed 2008. Omg, the last goal is to G-R-A-D-U-A-T-E.


@heredes said...

You're my favorite Mii! ;)

About the goals ... right here with ya linda! The best is yet to come ...

but yeah .. lets work on #6! ;)

Love ya


Marcy Ribeiro said...

I love you soooooooooo much!!! and i love when you my little love notes :)

Jescel said...

funny how you forgot #6... LOL.. shouldn't it be higher up the rank though? heheheh.. but i need to work on #3 too, like u. so you're not alone.

Anonymous said...

hope ur new year is great!

..i wish i could graduate high school this year..i still got 2 more years..

love u!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

Praying for all your wishes...
Te quiero mucho hija! Mami