Monday, September 22, 2008

Free Disney Admission on your Birthday!...

Yes, it's true. Starting 2009, you get a free admission to Disney World and/or Disneyland  on your BIRTHDAY.  Any of their four parks. So, I think I will be celebrating my 26th birthday at Disney World and Heredes' as well. [I hope, and omg I'll be 26.  Eek!]  Hope you guys take advantage of this great, dream come true opportunity.  Click HERE for more information on registering.


Rey De Armas said...

This could be the best thing ever!

Marcy Ribeiro said...

I know isn't spectacular!!! whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Alex and I signed up for that too!

I don't know if we'll be able to do both birthdays [especially since orlando is no longer only four hours away] but we'll definitely take advantage of at least one.

I'm so excited! lol

Anonymous said...

Figure's its only for 2009! The Miami Team that you'll know, Florenia & Bob Knapp & Tommy & Mollie Watson. I think most of them are from Christ Fellowship, but not all. We'll post, don't worry. Thanks for the comments.